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    7-Day Free Trial, then $47/mo$47.00/mo
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    6 Month Subscription, $235 every 6mo (2 free months/yr!)$235.00/6 mnths

One-time Offer!

90 Minute, Deep Dive Private Coaching Session $197 (usually $375)
For Founding Members ONLY, I'm making a one-time offer for a private coaching session with me for a deep dive to jumpstart your breakthrough from anxiety, overwhelm or self-criticism.

After just one Deep Dive Session, Susan saw some HUGE shifts:  

"Sandy simplifies concepts so that they are easier to apply them in life. Her questions were spot on to what I needed to ask myself to move forward through some beliefs that were holding me back. 

Sandy’s session gave me the genuine supportive space to openly explore what was going on inside of me. My self-talk is now filled with more self-compassion and acceptance which as a result – has built up my self-confidence. I highly recommend Sandy as a coach!"


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  • What if want to cancel my subscription?
    If you decide the Journeyers Membership isn’t for you, you can cancel your subscription within 7 days of purchase to receive a full refund (if you subscribe every 6 months) or to cancel your monthly subscription before the 7 day free trial ends. Upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the portal or the private Facebook group.

    After 7 days, if you decide the Journeyers Membership isn't for you, then you can cancel your subscription renewal. Canceling the Membership renewal prevents your payment method from being charged again when your monthly or 6-month subscription ends. You’ll continue to be able to access and benefit from the Membership through the last day of your subscription.
Find a guide and a tribe on your Journey to calm, confident and Gracefully Resilient!
  • Total payment
  • 1xJourneyers Membership$0

All prices in USD
